The next assessment was marksmanship, Esther’s strong suit. Whether it was shooting a fixed target or a moving one, it posed no challenge for her. She completed the task with ease, hitting vital points with every shot.

She showcased fast, precise, and spectacular marksmanship.

The chief examiner retrieved Esther’s personal information from the tablet, took a keen look, and thought that she was quite impressive. He awarded her a very high score.

Esther moved on to the next stage—the free-choice assessment—and she chose the memory test. This memory test was unique. Esther entered a room where many people were engaged in various activities. After spending a minute inside, she came out.

Logan asked, “There’s a woman in a red sweater in the room. What is she doing?”

“Using her phone,” Esther replied.

Logan continued. “What’s on the phone screen?”

“A novel,” Esther answered.

Logan handed Esther a sketchbook and said, “There’s a man in the room playing chess. Draw him.”

drawing earnestly. In no time, a man vividly appeared on the paper. Esther’s drawing skills were good. Although not a professional sketch artist, she captured

glanced at Esther and said warmly, “Go to the meeting


got up and went to the adjacent meeting

smiled at Esther

been observing Esther’s performance over the past six months. Strictly speaking, if it weren’t for their belief

were clearly impossible for her in the country. Thus, Gabriel could only find this path for

on passing all assessments and becoming the first

“Thank you.”

with admiration. Looking at Esther, he couldn’t help but think that if Cyrus were alive and knew how



at Esther, who understood and walked confidently to his

his office and handed

at the

asked, slightly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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