the car’s password-protected box.

He eagerly sat back in the driver’s seat and turned on the small overhead light. In the dim light, he opened the brown envelope containing several DNA paternity test documents.

When Cole provided the samples to the head of the lab testing department, he did not use full names but letters to represent the names. The bag containing Bradley’s sample had the letter “W” written on it. The bag containing Esther’s sample had the letter “Q” written on it. The bag containing Felix’s sample had the letter “X” written on it, while the bag containing Tink erbell’s sample had the letter “B ” written on it.

Cole found the paternity test between “W” and “B”. Without bothering to read the previous content, he went straight to the last page to look at the set of numbers written on it. The number was “o”, indicating no biological relationship between the two individuals.

Cole was stunned. ‘H-How could this be?’

father-daughter relationship. Cole turned to the last page of the paternity

Bradley. If it was only the case with Bradley, it could still be possible that Esther was carrying someone else’s child. If Tink erbell had no

of prison all those years ago. Esther was also the only one who had given birth in the prison hospital, making it impossible for a mix-up to occur. What

suddenly emerged in Cole’s mind. Esther always refused to admit that she had unplugged Thomas’ oxygen mask. She also


Esther’s daughters, then where had the twins he had carried out of the prison gone? Why did the DNA paternity test conducted at the

could not unravel. The truth was shrouded in a thick fog, making it difficult to see clearly. This matter was of great importance and involved Bradley, so Cole did not dare to make a decision on his own. He started the car and headed toward the Warner Group’s hospital, wanting to report

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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