Chapter 93

“Selective amnesia?” Bradley said coldly, “Is it an illness?”

“Strictly speaking, it’s not considered an illness,” the doctor explained slowly, “In fact, it’s the brain’s self–defense mechanism. When a person experiences a reality that they cannot accept, the brain instinctively chooses to avoid it.

“This avoidance manifests as selectively forgetting painful memories. In some cases, the brain may even create false memories due to the extreme pain experienced. I’m not entirely sure what memories Ms. Quill currently has, but if we want to further confirm it, we need to conduct a more detailed psychological examination.”

Bradley furrowed his eyebrows slightly and asked coldly, ” Then tell her the truth.”

“Mr. Bradley, you can choose to tell her the truth but not right now.” The doctor slowly tried to persuade Bradley. “Ms. Quill has just awakened from a coma. If we tell her the truth now, it’s highly likely that her memories will become distorted and confused, leading to irreparable consequences. My personal recommendation is that we conduct a more detailed

examination on her first and then confirm the next steps of treatment.”

Bradley was decisive and efficient in business matters. When faced with Esther’s situation, similarly, he was not indecisive or caught in a dilemma. “Find a psychologist to hypnotize her and awaken her memories.”

The doctor quickly rejected Bradley’s proposal and said in a

Chapter Gh

“Mr. Bradley, I don’t recommend

intervention from a psychologist at this time. The fact that she has chosen to forget that period of her life indicates that those memories are something she cannot accept. If

was calm, but there was a sense of struggle in

was her choice, should he

end, he

doctor asked again, “Should I arrange

nodded in agreement with

at the door of the ward and took a deep breath to adjust his mindset calmly

enter the room.

side by side. There was an unprecedented fondness


sensed Bradley’s return and hesitantly called

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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