Chapter 95

Clark said, “Mr. Bradley, I’d like to take care of Esther if she does have selective amnesia.”

Upon hearing that, Felix volunteered as well. “I can do it too.”

Clark reached out and gently stroked Felix’s head, saying in a warm voice, “Mr. Felix, before you take care of someone else, you need to take care of yourself.”

“I…” Felix paused for a moment, then softly said, “I think I can leave the hospital now too.”

Clark casually suggested, “Esther is Ms. Anstey’s sister. I think she’ll be happy knowing that Esther has woken up. How about discussing with Ms. Anstey to bring Esther back to the estate? I believe that her memory will slowly recover once she’s in a familiar environment.”

Bradley rubbed his slightly throbbing temples with his long fingers as he said, “Let’s wait for the results of the

psychological evaluation.”

Clark agreed. “Alright, we’ll follow the doctor’s advice.”

waiting time felt

was filled with worries. When the

he was done with the IV,

from his hand.

cotton ball against the needle site, and

time, the door to

to Felix and reached out to hug him. “Felix, the doctor said Mommy

eyes full

and said softly, “I

agreed with her. “Mommy,

the ward first,” Bradley interrupted their

Esther’s hand and said in a cute manner, “Mommy, let’s go back to the ward and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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