Chapter 116

“Sure!” Felix held Esther’s hand and led her out of the hospital confidently.

Esther’s outfit looked great, but… under normal circumstances, how could a woman be wearing a man’s shirt? Upon seeing Esther and Bradley, most women could not help but exchange knowing smiles. There were also a few men who smirked teasingly when they saw Esther.

Bradley’s icy gaze swept past them with a hint of warning, causing the men to instantly lower their heads as if they had not seen anything. Seeing some men ogling Esther with those indecent looks along the way, Bradley could not help but take off his coat and forcefully drape. it over Esther’s shoulders.

“Put it on!”

Esther was bewildered. Before she could refuse, Felix took the initiative to complain, “Daddy, it’s so ugly!”

“Put it on!” Bradley’s tone was cold and firm.

Esther had no choice but to wear Bradley’s suit and go to the nearby shopping mall.

Actually, more people looked at Esther like this.

arrived at the mall, Felix behaved like a shopping maniac, pointing at the displayed clothes and confidently saying, “This

young child, Felix naturally drew dissatisfaction from the sales assistants due to his unconventional way

a smile on her face, “Kid, this brand is a

coldly interrupted her,

the entrance, Felix eagerly waved to Esther, who was walking over fast updatelowly in high heels,

more disdain from the sales assistants.

“She’s your mother?”

said, “Mommy

quickly glanced at Esther, taking in her exquisite features and remarkable temperament, which left a lasting impression. However, upon noticing Esther’s outfit, a man’s clothes with a hint of crimson at her collarbone, a

dress and asked, “Mommy, do you

at the pink lace dress and

regular-looking dress cost that much, Esther gently told Felix, “Son, I’m not

dress after Esther said she did not like pink. “Mommy, this one is

was reluctant to buy even a dress worth $30,000, the sales

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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