Chapter 125

“What’s going on with Bradley?” Billy was also shocked. “I’m going to see him now!”

Leah was also angry and resentful when she saw Esther’s post and directed all her rage toward Billy. “Billy Austey! Do you want Liliane and me, or do you want that despicable b*tch Esther? You decide for yourself!”

Leah then embraced Liliane, who had just awakened, and said softly, “Liliane, don’t be upset. It’s not worth harming your health over it.”

“Mom…” Liliane was trembling with anger. She never expected that Esther would dare to taunt her in her social media post!

The thought of so many people seeing Esther’s post meant one thing-Liliane had become a laughingstock!

“Don’t be upset. Let’s go to the hospital first.” Leah helped Liliane up.

Billy reached out to assist Liliane, but Leah pushed him away. “Get lost!”

Leah helped Liliane into the car and made a phone call to Wilson while driving.

and daughter arrived at the hospital, Wilson conducted a full-body examination on

hand, and gently asked, “Dr. Birch, how is Liliane’s

health has deteriorated,” Wilson said calmly, flipping through the examination. report in his hand. “Compared to the previous report, her data has worsened significantly. For Liliane’s safety, I suggest finding a suitable heart as soon as possible for a heart transplant.”

was crucial for Liliane’s survival. However, unlike kidney or bone marrow transplants, a heart transplant involved the sacrifice of one life to save another.

a challenge since

be temporarily managed.

do anything.” Leah’s eyes shone with ruthless determination. As long as she could find a suitable heart for Liliane, even if it meant sacrificing her own life, she would

Liliane’s condition, avoiding emotional fluctuations is crucial. Keeping a calm and stable mood is especially important. 1 suggest you take

I have a

warmly, “There’s no need to request

a medical report stating that Liliane’s heart condition

She firmly believed that Bradley would take responsibility upon learning that Liliane had developed a heart

I can handle


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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