Chapter 146

Esther’s ravioli were super delicious, and Felix didn’t want to be a bad kid who wasted food. His little mouth was puffed up, giving him an adorable look. However, Bradley frowned and scolded him, reminding him not to eat things that were too hot.

With a slightly swollen tongue, Felix explained, “I didn’t want to, but Mommy’s ravioli are too tempting. I couldn’t control myself…”

Bradley’s handsome face showed a hint of anger. “If you behave like this again, I won’t allow you to come to Primus Mansion.”

Esther fiercely defended Felix, saying, “Bradley, it’s my fault. I didn’t let the ravioli cool down to the right temperature before serving them. Felix is just a child. What does he know? You can’t treat our child like this as a father.”

“It’s not Mommy’s fault. I was just too impatient!” Felix interjected, afraid that Bradley would separate him from Esther.

Their similar expressions, filled with protectiveness and defense, unsettled Bradley. He quickly dismissed the ludicrous thought that crossed his mind, reminding himself that Esther and Liliane were half-sisters, so it was natural for Esther and Felix to resemble each other. 1

Once again, the truth slipped through Bradley’s fingers.

expression turning serious. “No more gobbling up your food. Pay


and placed it in Felix’s bowl. Felix sweetly thanked her, saying, “Thank you,

it, I’ll make more for you in the future,” Esther said with

ate the ravioli gracefully and cheerfully exclaimed, “I like anything as long

accustomed to luxurious delicacies, recognized that Esther’s ravioli didn’t use

was flavorful, and the ravioli skin was

his cutlery in panic when he realized he had exceeded his usual appetite. He looked at Felix, who had a round and satisfied belly with a happy

was so good!” Felix exclaimed.

too much and reminded Esther, Madam, you might need to help Mr. Felix digest, or else he might have


Felix eagerly

the terrace. It was

on the plants, creating a mist

a rainbow!” exclaimed Felix.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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