Chapter 152

Esther, Bradley, and Felix returned to the cinema, resuming their movie-watching experience. The

flickering light from the screen cast an ethereal glow on Esther’s face, creating a dreamlike aura around her. As Felix and Esther shared popcorn, their act of feeding each other filled the scene with warmth and beauty.

At that moment, Esther turned her head and caught Bradley’s gaze fixed on the popcorn in her hand. A sudden idea sparked in her mind, and she decided to offer him a taste. She delicately picked up a piece of popcorn and gently fed it to Bradley.

Instinctively, Bradley bit into the popcorn, savoring the combination of chocolate coating and the lingering warmth left by Esther’s touch on his lips.

Esther leaned close to Bradley’s ear and asked softly, “Darling, is it good?”

Bradley responded with a hum uncomfortably.

Bradley, “Thank you for standing up for me just now,

crazy. After hearing her call him

legal wife,

procedures, Esther remained his legal wife. What difference did bullying Esther make

out and pinched Bradley’s arm, then turned around and sat with Felix to eat

kind of

young couple sitting behind Bradley observed Esther’s coquettish behavior and Bradley’s

can a man like him, who seems clueless, have a wife and

Esther and her family and murmured, “Such an oblivious man. probably doesn’t

at the couple seated behind him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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