Chapter 167

‘If I were your daughter, how could you ask me to give up everything I have now and fulfill Liliane?”

Billy opened his mouth, but his throat felt constricted, rendering him speechless. He knew that revealing Esther’s true identity could sway her decision, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He didn’t want to be seen as a despicable person in Esther’s eyes.

Esther’s eyes glistened with tears as she declared, “This is the last time I call you Dad. From now on, we’re strangers.”

‘Do you even realize that Liliane has ruined my life? She has destroyed everything. I spent five years in prison because of her. She is responsible for the bloodshed of Grandpa Thomas and Tinkerbell. How can a murderer like her deserve happiness? She doesn’t deserve it!’

With cold indifference, Esther turned away. At that moment, Billy took a deep breath and dropped to his knees behind her, a loud thump echoing through the cafe. “Esther, I beg you, please leave Bradley.”

upscale cafe fell silent, its other patrons glancing over at the commotion.

taken aback by her father’s act of kneeling for Liliane.

crowd criticized her. “How dare you!? How can you let your father kneel before you? Aren’t you afraid of bad

seem heartless. Your father is begging you like this, yet you remain unmoved.” Another voice chimed fast

think I’ve seen her before. Wasn’t she the murderer from five

mention it, I remember. Wasn’t she imprisoned?

attacked by ignorant onlookers in the cafe. Someone even recorded the incident of Billy kneeling before Esther and uploaded it

the Internet.

enveloped Esther, making

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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