Chapter 190

Leah grasped Liliane’s hand firmly and spoke with a serious tone. “Liliane, don’t concern. yourself with someone who is no longer alive. Right now, the most important thing is for your to focus on your health and become a beautiful bride.”

“But Mom, Bradley and Esther are back together. Will he still marry me?”

“He will.” Leah’s gaze turned sharp and fierce, her voice suddenly cold. “He will marry you.”

She had publicly announced Bradley and Liliane’s impending wedding, so there was no turning back now.

Bradley arrived at the door of the ward and lightly tapped on it.

Thinking it was a nurse, Leah said, “Come in.”

Bradley, composed and dignified, entered as he pushed the door open.

flashed in Leah and Liliane’s eyes upon seeing Bradley’s sudden appearance. They were unsure if he had overheard their earlier conversation.

sweetly called

that he had never noticed before. She had always made an effort to conceal her congenital heart condition with makeup whenever

demands of a full wedding?”

brought back to life. Joy bloomed in her heart. “Brad, I’m fine. I can

accomplishment. Their strategy of pressuring

Warner, I consulted a master fortune teller who suggested an auspicious wedding date based on your birth charts. There’s a

made the arrangements with the wedding planning company.”

words, thinking that he had succumbed to the pressure

please let us know. We can communicate with the wedding planning company in a

a stoic iceberg standing

wedding date set, Liliane failed to notice. the storm brewing within the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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