Chapter 197

Anna cleared her throat to hide her eagerness and said, “If you have any plans today, that’s okay. My fashion show will be on display for a week, and you’re welcome to visit anytime.” Esther felt a strange sense of familiarity with Anna, despite not knowing where it came from. At that moment, both of them chose to draw closer to each other.

“I can visit with you today,” Esther said, glancing at Bradley in the distance. “Just give me a moment to inform him.”

Esther approached Bradley and explained the situation. He agreed without hesitation.

Although Anna was the designer, she only handled the final adjustments for the exhibition. Other tasks were taken care of by her team members.

Anna led Esther to her temporary office, which, while not large, was filled with various fabrics. The trash can on the floor was scattered with crumpled balls of white paper.

Esther casually picked up one of the paper balls, smoothed it out, and discovered a design sketch on it.

“These are all discarded drafts,” Anna explained.

of digital design, Anna insisted on hand drawing.

draft and softly remarked, “Your discarded drafts would be considered

at this design. It’s completely forgettable from beginning to end,” commented

few strokes to the discarded draft. The design, which lacked distinctiveness, instantly

transform something ordinary

gathered the other discarded drafts from the floor, smoothed them out, and handed them to

“I don’t want to

“To you, these are my designs. But to me, they’re just discarded drafts. If you can salvage them, you’re giving them new life.”

studied fashion design,” said

never received formal training in fashion design. During her difficult time in prison, studying became a way to numb herself, as if only through studying could her soul find

that many people dream of. You should really give it a try. I can bring you into my team if your

the temptation in Esther’s recognized her genuine talent. It would be

me give

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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