Chapter 205

Barry felt as if he had plunged into an icy abyss upon hearing Bradley’s words. A chilling and eerie sensation enveloped him as if an invisible hand lightly gripped his throat. Weakness overcame his body, causing him to collapse on the ground. Through tear-blurred eyes, he could only catch a glimpse of the Warners receding into the distance.

Only when the Warners were completely out of sight did Barry, drenched in a cold sweat, weakly sit up on the floor. He panted heavily as if narrowly escaping death.

As Bradley, Esther, and Felix settled inside the car, the little boy obediently positioned himself beside Esther, intentionally avoiding eye contact with Bradley.

“Are you afraid of me?” Bradley observed Felix’s fearful expression and couldn’t help but soften his gaze. “Why are you afraid of me?”

“She said Daddy doesn’t like children who misbehave,” Felix cautiously replied, his eyes glancing at Bradley with unease.

“She said?” Bradley caught on, realizing that the “she” Felix was referring to was Liliane. “You haven’t done anything wrong. If someone bullies you, it’s brave to stand up for yourself, Bradley assured him. He knew his son hadn’t suffered a loss, and it pleased him. Whether he won or not was another matter, but the Warners were never cowards!

eyes sparkled with excitement.

him. “We shouldn’t bully others, but don’t be afraid if other kids bully you. Mommy and Daddy will always be on

the best.” Felix threw himself into Bradley’s arms, his expression elated. “Can I

rejected the idea without hesitation.

pouted and scolded, “No? What do you mean, no? Listen to what the child has to say first. Don’t be so decisive and assertive

she turned her head to the side and asked gently, Felix, everyone has to go to school. If

grew more confident

firm nor lenient, and said, “You have to go to school, but if you don’t want to go to kindergarten, 1 can find a suitable

exam!” Felix eagerly raised his hand, his

study a

Felix had only been in kindergarten for a short time. Was it not too soon for him to want to take the elementary

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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