Chapter 207

After Felix started attending elementary school, Esther and Bradley became even busier. Esther would help out at Anna’s exhibition during the day and then come home to study with Felix in the evenings.

Felix used to think that the children in kindergarten were childish and boring. It wasn’t until he became a fifth-grade elementary school student that he discovered the fascinating ocean of knowledge.

His private school was the city’s best, with most of his classmates coming from affluent families. The annual tuition fee alone equaled the price of an average person’s house. Moreover, there were study trips during winter and summer vacations. Given the wealthy background of the students’ families, education was given special emphasis.

Felix, who had always considered himself a genius, became more humble and started studying diligently in this environment.

Esther would play documentaries in multiple languages to develop Felix’s language skills while helping him with his homework.

Bradley took on the responsibility of teaching Felix golf. Felix also wanted to learn a musical instrument, so he chose folk music from the many options available.

However, the pleasant and heartwarming days were short-lived. The wedding date announced. by the wedding company was fast approaching.

best possible condition. She didn’t want to get married in a hospital room and instead returned to the Ansteys’ villa

the wedding planner was working on Liliane’s reception hairstyle. Liliane sat in front of the

Leah looked at her precious daughter, dressed so beautifully, and couldn’t

softly said, “Mom,

and smiled through

thanks to

hairstyle, Leah asked the


a large folder and handed it

deed and stock certificates inside. She exclaimed, “Dad, Mom,

Liliane’s hand firmly and said in a choked

been preparing for this. Although our family doesn’t have the same wealth and business as the Warners, we’ve done our best to provide you with a generous gift. This is your

but cry. He choked. “Liliane, you and Bradley should be well. If he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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