Chapter 209

“I don’t need the driver. I’ll take him myself,” Esther declared, holding Felix’s hand as they entered the elevator with Bradley.

Bradley departed in the car driven by the chauffeur while Esther stood there, gripping Felix’s hand tightly until the car was no longer in sight.

Reluctantly, she withdrew her gaze, opened the car door, and carefully placed Felix in the child safety seat. She leaned down to fasten his seatbelt and adjusted its angle.

“Mommy, are you not happy today?” Felix inquired.

Esther affectionately swiped Felix’s nose and replied, “No, Mommy’s very happy!”

Curiously, Felix asked in his innocent voice, “Then why are you happy?”

Esther gazed at Felix’s face with gentle eyes, a slight smile forming on her lips. Softly, she whispered, “That’s a secret.”

Starting the car, Esther left the underground parking lot. However, her destination this time was not Felix’s elementary school but the cemetery.

the unfamiliar surroundings, holding Esther’s hand with a mix of anxiety and hesitation. He asked, “Mommy, are we

not,” Esther reassured him, holding his hand firmly as they made

biological father, seemed to have forgotten that today marked Tinkerbell’s three-month memorial.

from this world

Bradley chose today to marry Liliane out of


in the end,


the stairs with Esther. He looked up at her cutely and asked, “Mommy, did you ask

I did!” Esther confirmed, not only having requested leave from Felix’s teacher but also considering transferring

“Thank you, Mommy.”

a slender apple

and asked in an adorable voice, “Mommy, did Tinkerbell turn into

apple tree and setting aside the flowers and items she had brought. “Tinkerbell has gone

turn into stars when they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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