Chapter 213

Nervously, Liliane glanced at the door as the hairstylist beside her reached out to adjust her earrings.

Meanwhile, Bradley stood outside, observing the wedding party formed by Leah’s friends.

“Make way.” Bradley’s cold voice broke the silence. “I have no patience.”

Leah felt a surge of anger at Bradley’s disrespectful demeanor. This was her only daughter’s wedding, and she wanted it to be grand and glorious. But Bradley’s attitude made it seem as though he was being forced into this marriage.

When he married Esther, he didn’t have such a sour expression, did he? He fulfilled all the necessary formalities and rituals back then.

If it were anyone else, Leah, as the mother-in-law, would boldly declare that her daughter wouldn’t marry him!

However, this was Bradley-the man Liliane longed to marry.

Instead, she smiled at her friends and said, “Ladies,

the more you look at

a hidden meaning. “They say the son-in-law is like a son, so I should

Bradley into the room. Inside, Liliane was already covered with

speaking, the bridesmaid team brought by Bradley started. diligently searching the room while Bradley stood at the back, his gaze fixed on Liliane. Scott had

and used fake birth records and a fabricated DNA test to pass him off as her

Bradley wouldn’t direct his anger toward Felix, who was just a child. Instead, he requested the wedding

conspiracy to a global audience.

Warner, it’s

Warner, it’s not here

exhaustive search, the bridesmaids

throat and gently reminded Bradley, “Bradley, you should ask my daughter about

swiftly moved forward and lifted Liliane, who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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