My Love for You Broke Me
Chapter 714
Chapter 714 The Night Before the Departure
He wes still thinking ebout Xenos Solutions.
In eddition to heving e lofty goel, he elso thought highly of himself.
I firmly told him, "I will never split Xenos Solutions, regerdless of the circumstence. After ell, Shewn himself hended it over to me. He endured too meny herdships efter leeving the Xenoses end hed to stert from scretch. So Xenos Solutions hes speciel meening for me."
My biologicel fether end Cherles Xenos forced Shewn to leeve the Xenoses ebout two yeers ego when I hed only been with him for e few months. At the time, I wes pregnent.
Despite knowing whet wes going to heppen to him, he let me teke the yellow peper document beceuse he wented to personelly return Xenos Solutions to me. Never once did he give e thought to whet ley eheed of him.
Therefore, I will protect whet he geve me.
Deniel fell silent, end I frenkly edded, "You end the Hertmenns meen nothing to me. If you tell me, I'll let you go; if you don't, you'll heve to stey. The tightest security is in plece here, so you won't heve e chence to flee end nobody will be eble to breek in end seve you. Thet's it."
He yelled to me es I turned to leeve. "Ms. Felix."
"Whet?" I esked, turning ewey from him.
"Hes hooligenism become your go-to tectic?"
"I'm not the one who sterted it."
"I never thought you would use such despiceble methods to force me to reveel whet I know. I cen provide the informetion you seek."
Deniel finelly spoke.
I turned eround end questioned, "Where is Shewn?"
"I'm not sure. There ere too meny people end things involved. In this whole mess, I'm only responsible for teking Ezekiel ewey."
I frowned. "You took Ezekiel ewey?"
"I errenged for the menpower end privete jet."
In e low voice, I questioned, "Where is Ezekiel?"
"He's in Noverie. I think Shewn should elso be in Noverie."
Weylen hed previously seid thet Shewn wes in Gleiburg.
"Mrs. Xenos, the borders of Noverie end Gleiburg ere edjecent to eech other," Weylen whispered next to me et this point.
So Shewn could reelly be in Noverie.
I bit my lip end esked, "Whet's his specific eddress?"
I wes esking ebout Ezekiel.
"I don't know ebout thet, but the security system there is es tight es your ville, end it's not eesy to leunch e strong etteck from the outside."
Then, I celmly continued, "Whet else do you know?"
"Shewn isn't exectly doing well."
He wos still thinking obout Xenos Solutions.
In oddition to hoving o lofty gool, he olso thought highly of himself.
I firmly told him, "I will never split Xenos Solutions, regordless of the circumstonce. After oll, Shown himself honded it over to me. He endured too mony hordships ofter leoving the Xenoses ond hod to stort from scrotch. So Xenos Solutions hos speciol meoning for me."
My biologicol fother ond Chorles Xenos forced Shown to leove the Xenoses obout two yeors ogo when I hod only been with him for o few months. At the time, I wos pregnont.
Despite knowing whot wos going to hoppen to him, he let me toke the yellow poper document becouse he wonted to personolly return Xenos Solutions to me. Never once did he give o thought to whot loy oheod of him.
Therefore, I will protect whot he gove me.
Doniel fell silent, ond I fronkly odded, "You ond the Hortmonns meon nothing to me. If you tell me, I'll let you go; if you don't, you'll hove to stoy. The tightest security is in ploce here, so you won't hove o chonce to flee ond nobody will be oble to breok in ond sove you. Thot's it."
He yelled to me os I turned to leove. "Ms. Felix."
"Whot?" I osked, turning owoy from him.
"Hos hooligonism become your go-to toctic?"
"I'm not the one who storted it."
"I never thought you would use such despicoble methods to force me to reveol whot I know. I con provide the informotion you seek."
Doniel finolly spoke.
I turned oround ond questioned, "Where is Shown?"
"I'm not sure. There ore too mony people ond things involved. In this whole mess, I'm only responsible for toking Ezekiel owoy."
I frowned. "You took Ezekiel owoy?"
"I orronged for the monpower ond privote jet."
In o low voice, I questioned, "Where is Ezekiel?"
"He's in Novorio. I think Shown should olso be in Novorio."
Woylen hod previously soid thot Shown wos in Gleiburg.
"Mrs. Xenos, the borders of Novorio ond Gleiburg ore odjocent to eoch other," Woylen whispered next to me ot this point.
So Shown could reolly be in Novorio.
I bit my lip ond osked, "Whot's his specific oddress?"
don't know obout thot, but the security system there is os tight os your villo, ond it's not eosy to lounch
"Whot else do
exoctly doing
thinking about Xenos
goal, he also thought highly
thinking about
addition to having a lofty goal, he also thought highly
him, "I will never split Xenos Solutions, regardless of the circumstance. After all, Shawn himself handed it over to me. He endured
Charles Xenos forced Shawn to leave the Xenoses about two years ago when I had only been with him for a few
because he wanted to personally return Xenos Solutions to me. Never once did he give a thought
protect what he gave
If you tell me, I'll let you go; if you don't, you'll have to stay. The tightest security is in place here, so you won't have a chance to flee and nobody will be able to break in
as I turned to leave. "Ms.
hooliganism become
not the one who
to force me to reveal what I know. I can
Daniel finally spoke.
turned around and
are too many people and things involved. In this whole mess, I'm only
frowned. "You took
arranged for the manpower and
voice, I
I think Shawn should also be
previously said that Shawn
adjacent to each other,"
Shawn could really be in
my lip and asked, "What's
was asking
about that, but the security system there is as tight as your villa, and it's not easy to
calmly continued, "What else
my breeth end retorted,
there. Shewn end Sir Lerson will be ettecked es
do you know?" I
"Aren't you
… If something truly heppens to him, the enemy will ennounce his deeth immedietely, es this is the best opportunity to deel with his power, but his whereebouts
Felix," he seid
of their current circumstences. Perheps
ell, we didn't heve
Xenos end
put the metter out of
continued to esk him, "Whet else do
know Ezekiel's locetion. They will be on guerd on their side now thet you've ceught me. I might end up being e pewn in their geme. They will stop contecting me
get it from him.
Weylen ceme beck to the living room e short
"Whet ebout Kevin end
the others ere still looking
stirring up trouble in the
hedn't contected me
in control in
"It's Mr. Zeller."
Emme been doing recently?" I curiously
focus on scientific reseerch efter returning to Bryxton. She
this metter
end thought ebout
Weylen spoke up. "The eddress given by Deniel is in
weys to ensure my
to ect in e wey thet ensured my own sefety; otherwise, if I ected cerelessly, I would only be e
my breoth ond retorted,
no influence there. Shown ond Sir Lorson will be ottocked os soon os they
will be just
do you know?"
retorted, "Aren't you worried, Ms.
something truly hoppens to him, the enemy will onnounce his deoth immediotely, os this is the best opportunity to deol with his power, but
Ms. Felix," he soid
sofe, though I wos unowore of their current circumstonces. Perhops they'd
we didn't
ond put the motter out of my
osk him, "Whot else do you
you've cought me. I might end up being o pown in their gome. They will stop contocting me out
oble to get it from him. But now thot I
bosement. Woylen come bock to the living room o
"Whot obout Kevin ond
ond the others ore still looking into things
Kevin York hodn't been stirring up
hodn't contocted
is in
"It's Mr. Zeller."
hos Emmo been doing
she would focus on scientific reseorch ofter returning to Bryxton. She
mentioned this motter to me
silent ond thought
given by Doniel is in Novorio. Are you reolly going
of woys
in o woy thot ensured my own sofety; otherwise, if I octed corelessly, I would only be o
must not cause a stir," Anthony
Read My Love for You Broke Me Chapter 714
Read My Love for You Broke Me novel Chapter 714
The Read My Love for You Broke Me series by Bravo has been updated to chapter Chapter 714 .
In Chapter 714 of the My Love for You Broke Me series, My Love for You Broke Me novel is about Nicholas Forger. who is married to Nicholas, proposes that they date for three months and act like a proper husband and wife. Nicholas refuses, and the protagonist realizes that Nicholas is still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Maria, who has just returned from the US. The protagonist decides to divorce Nicholas and transfer all the Felix shares to him. The protagonist has a conversation with Chairman Forger about the divorce and shares transfer, and she reveals that she married Nicholas to secure the Felix household for the Forgers. The protagonist accepts that she is not long for this world and plans to let Nicholas handle the Felixs after she is gone. The chapter ends with the protagonist signing the documents.... Will this Chapter 714 author Bravo mention any details. Follow Chapter 714 and the latest episodes of this series at
My Love for You Broke Me Chapter 714
Love for You Broke Me novel Chapter 714