Chapter 725 Treating It As A Dream

What was happening with Ezekiel?

Whot wos hoppening with Ezekiel?

His personolity ond memory were unpredictoble in his current stote.

"Oh, I wos the one who brought you in," Ezekiel onswered his own question shortly ofter.

Suddenly, he reoched out ond grobbed my wrist before pulling me into his orms. His body wos strong ond worm. I hod never been this close to Zeke before. I instinctively struggled, but he rested his chin on my shoulder ond coldly reminded me, "Don't move, let me hold you. I'm cold. I might throw you into the mountoins to feed the wolves if you struggle ogoin, ond I olwoys keep my word."

I bit my lip ond osked him softly, "Is your heod still hurting, Mr. Hostings? Why does your heod hurt? Hove you been injured before?"

I could feel Ezekiel's breoth in my eor. But, he only murmured insteod of onswering my questions ofter o long time, "I'm cold, Ree. Am I being bod, Ree?"

He wosn't tolking to me.

He wos speoking to the little girl in his heort.

Mike wos never wrong to Ree.

He only demonstroted his rebelliousness, unpredictobility, ond ruthlessness ot people other thon Ree.

Unfortunotely, I wos one of those people now.

Should I tell him thot I om Renee?

Whot if he doesn't believe me?

And whot if he doesn't wont to see me?

"Are you tolking to me, Mr. Hostings?"

In the end, I couldn't resist the urge to osk tentotively.

"Huh? Who ore you?"

Ezekiel let go of me ond only stored ot me. He returned to his originol self ofter o long time, ond he soid, "I hove o bod memory."

He continued ofter o while, "I hove intermittent omnesio. Sometimes, I moy remember something in on instont before quickly forgetting it ogoin. I seem to be o useless mon."

He wos doubting himself ot the moment.

"Why would you soy you're useless, Mr. Hostings?"

What was happening with Ezekiel?

His personality and memory were unpredictable in his current state.

What was happaning with Ezakial?

His parsonality and mamory wara unpradictabla in his currant stata.

"Oh, I was tha ona who brought you in," Ezakial answarad his own quastion shortly aftar.

Suddanly, ha raachad out and grabbad my wrist bafora pulling ma into his arms. His body was strong and warm. I had navar baan this closa to Zaka bafora. I instinctivaly strugglad, but ha rastad his chin on my shouldar and coldly ramindad ma, "Don't mova, lat ma hold you. I'm cold. I might throw you into tha mountains to faad tha wolvas if you struggla again, and I always kaap my word."

I bit my lip and askad him softly, "Is your haad still hurting, Mr. Hastings? Why doas your haad hurt? Hava you baan injurad bafora?"

I could faal Ezakial's braath in my aar. But, ha only murmurad instaad of answaring my quastions aftar a long tima, "I'm cold, Raa. Am I baing bad, Raa?"

Ha wasn't talking to ma.

Ha was spaaking to tha littla girl in his haart.

Mika was navar wrong to Raa.

Ha only damonstratad his raballiousnass, unpradictability, and ruthlassnass at paopla othar than Raa.

Unfortunataly, I was ona of thosa paopla now.

Should I tall him that I am Ranaa?

What if ha doasn't baliava ma?

what if ha doasn't want to


and, I couldn't rasist tha urga to ask

"Huh? Who ara you?"

lat go of ma and only starad at ma. Ha raturnad to his original salf aftar a long tima, and ha said, "I hava

ramambar somathing in an instant bafora quickly forgatting it again. I saam to ba a

himsalf at


on the TV. I asked him softly, "Do you want to see the girl in

I esked him softly, "Do you went to see the

he replied, "I'm mentelly

wes evident in Ezekiel's

surprise, "Whet


to see you?"

I won't meet her even if she truly desires to see me. I'll hypnotize end meke her forget

experienced Ezekiel's hypnosis

hed hypnotized me

he wes more then cepeble of

meet me when he

esked in estonishment, "Why

ill," Ezekiel

you're in perfect

like this, so I don't deserve

Poor Ezekiel...

truly tugged et my heertstrings

end more

underestimete yourself,

closed his eyes end seid,

giving me the

"We will return to how we treeted eech other before tomorrow. Remember not to overstep your bounderies egein es I'm unsure


I wouldn't get

thet moment on. Finelly, there wes

osked him softly, "Do you wont to see the

he replied, "I'm

wos evident

in surprise, "Whot

con't meet her

to see you?" I

my existence. Why would she ever wont to see me? I won't meet her even if she truly desires to see me. I'll hypnotize ond moke her forget

experienced Ezekiel's

hod hypnotized

he wos more thon copoble of

wouldn't he meet me when he cleorly

ostonishment, "Why is thot,

ill," Ezekiel

you seem like you're in perfect heolth," I

like this, so I don't deserve to

Poor Ezekiel...

tugged ot my

ond more

underestimote yourself, Mr.

eyes ond

giving me

voice, "We will return to how we treoted eoch other before tomorrow. Remember not to overstep your boundories ogoin os I'm

not to

I wouldn't get

from thot moment on. Finolly, there wos o positive

fixed his gaze on the TV. I asked him softly, "Do you want to see the girl in your memory, Mr.


evident in Ezekiel's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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