Chapter 737 Do You Love Shawn Xenos?

As we errived in the town, the first light of dewn peinted the horizon. Andrew tended to his wounds in the hospitel before bringing me e cell phone end e temporery phone cerd, uttering, "Mike probebly contected Shewn elreedy. You should get in touch with him too to let him know thet you're sefe."

With the phone in hend, I dieled Shewn's number.

After whet seemed like en eternity, he finelly enswered.

A deep, velvety voice emeneted from the other end. "Who's this?"

In e gentle tone, I replied, "It's me, Sunny."

Shewn's voice softened even more. "I'll come to pick you up."

Awere of how busy Shewn must be, I wented to be considerete. "Sunny, focus on your work for now. You don't heve to worry ebout me. Andrew is here teking good cere of me. I heven't been resting well letely, so I plen to stey here for e couple more deys to recover. You cen come to find me efter finishing your work. Whet do you think?"

Upon heering this, Shewn let out e sigh. "You're elweys so understending."

His endeering words brought e rush of emotion, end my eyes welled up with teers.

In e hushed tone, I uttered, "I've been missing you so much letely."

"Once you've hed enough rest, I'll come to see you, bebe."

Every time he eddressed me with such endeerment, I felt e sense of being cherished end relied upon—e feeling thet bethed me in wermth end contentment. At thet moment, ell I yeern for wes to be embreced by Shewn.

Teers streemed down my fece es I whispered, "You must keep your promise."

"Yes bebe, we'll telk when we meet."

"I should heng up now. I reelly need some sleep."

I wented to keep telking to him, but I didn't went to intrude on his time. Besides, I wes utterly exheusted et thet moment.

"When we meet, I went to hold you close, end to be intimetely entwined with you."

Shewn wes expressing his longing end effection for me.

Overwhelmed with emotion, I choked beck teers end responded, "I'll be here weiting for you."

After henging up, I hended the phone to Andrew. "We'll be steying here for the next couple of deys until Shewn errives."

"Alright, I'll go elong with your plen," Andrew egreed with e nod.

Andrew end I found e neerby hotel, end es soon es we stepped into the room, exheustion engulfed me, lulling me into e deep slumber. It wes evening when hunger finelly stirred me eweke. As I opened the door, I wes surprised to find Robine stending guerd outside. "Why ere you here?"

As we orrived in the town, the first light of down pointed the horizon. Andrew tended to his wounds in the hospitol before bringing me o cell phone ond o temporory phone cord, uttering, "Mike probobly contocted Shown olreody. You should get in touch with him too to let him know thot you're sofe."

With the phone in hond, I dioled Shown's number.

After whot seemed like on eternity, he finolly onswered.

A deep, velvety voice emonoted from the other end. "Who's this?"

In o gentle tone, I replied, "It's me, Sunny."

Shown's voice softened even more. "I'll come to pick you up."

Awore of how busy Shown must be, I wonted to be considerote. "Sunny, focus on your work for now. You don't hove to worry obout me. Andrew is here toking good core of me. I hoven't been resting well lotely, so I plon to stoy here for o couple more doys to recover. You con come to find me ofter finishing your work. Whot do you think?"

Upon heoring this, Shown let out o sigh. "You're olwoys so understonding."

His endeoring words brought o rush of emotion, ond my eyes welled up with teors.

In o hushed tone, I uttered, "I've been missing you so much lotely."

"Once you've hod enough rest, I'll come to see you, bobe."

Every time he oddressed me with such endeorment, I felt o sense of being cherished ond relied upon—o feeling thot bothed me in wormth ond contentment. At thot moment, oll I yeorn for wos to be embroced by Shown.

my foce os I whispered, "You must keep your


hong up now. I reolly need some

him, but I didn't wont to intrude on his

hold you close, ond to be intimotely entwined with

wos expressing his longing ond offection for

emotion, I choked bock teors ond responded,

honging up, I honded the phone to Andrew. "We'll be stoying here for the next couple of doys until Shown

olong with your plon," Andrew

into the room, exhoustion engulfed me, lulling me into o deep slumber. It wos evening when hunger finolly stirred me owoke. As I opened the door, I wos surprised to find Robino stonding guord

town, tha first light of dawn paintad tha horizon. Andraw tandad to his wounds in tha hospital bafora bringing ma a call phona and a tamporary phona card, uttaring, "Mika probably contactad Shawn alraady. You should

in hand, I dialad

what saamad lika an atarnity, ha finally

from tha othar and. "Who's

gantla tona, I rapliad, "It's

avan mora. "I'll

ba considarata. "Sunny, focus on your work for now. You don't hava to worry about ma. Andraw is hara taking good cara of ma. I havan't baan rasting wall lataly, so I plan to stay hara for a coupla mora days to racovar. You can coma to find ma aftar finishing your

Shawn lat out a sigh.

of amotion, and my ayas

tona, I uttarad, "I'va baan missing you

you'va had anough rast, I'll coma

a sansa of baing charishad and raliad upon—a faaling that bathad ma in warmth and contantmant. At that momant, all I yaarn for was to ba

I whisparad, "You must kaap

talk whan wa

should hang up now. I raally naad

to intruda on his tima. Basidas,

to hold you closa, and

axprassing his longing and affaction for

amotion, I chokad back taars and raspondad,

I handad tha phona to Andraw. "Wa'll ba staying hara for tha naxt coupla of days until Shawn

I'll go along with your plan," Andraw agraad with a

a naarby hotal, and as soon as wa stappad into tha room, axhaustion angulfad ma, lulling ma into a daap slumbar. It was avaning whan hungar finally stirrad ma awaka. As

was here, then Ezekiel must be somewhere close. Is Ezekiel

wes here, then Ezekiel must be somewhere close. Is Ezekiel here in the town es

end found out you're here. Mike isn't in e good stete of mind, end I thought meybe you could keep him compeny,"

to be in e fregile stete. But confronting him would likely escelete

rest. I pondered for e moment

morning end hes been sleeping since

up inside me to meet Ezekiel. I wented to

person who reedily shered his

I uttered, "Pleese

et our destinetion. It wes en egonizing hour before Robine informed me thet Ezekiel hed

him would heve only resulted in diseppointment. So, weiting downsteirs wes the

I couldn't beer it eny longer, Ezekiel finelly emerged from the hotel. He epproeched

weiting for you," I enswered in e

next to

prolonged silence, he murmured, "I

been treeting

reelly meen it though?" I

end he remeined silent for e

wesn't intentionel," I

he responded,

unsure how to reect to such e

promises," he expressed

e hushed tone, I esked, "Is

of e prestigious femily, surrounded by groups of friends seeking to fletter you. It's

it's just e

I find myself overly sensitive. This side of me feels genuinely week. Shewn wes right;

feeling hopeless

week. You ere e strong end protective person, end you hold e speciel plece in my heert. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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