After she made the phone call, Mrs. Chan still advised Xinghe kindly, “Ms. Xia, please hurry and leave now. The security will be here soon.”

An unflustered Xinghe smiled at her in return but she didn’t make to move.

She looked at Wu Rong and said with a smirk, “Better that they’re here, I need their help to toss the squatter out.”

Wu Rong’s face became overcast. “Xia Xinghe, who are you calling a squatter?”

“You, yourself, know the answer.”

Wu Rong’s eyes twitched for a bit.

She had a sudden bad feeling, but she still stood her ground.

What else can Xia Xinghe do? The little hussy might have some testimonials on her side but she definitely doesn’t have the money to back them up.

Everything in the Xia Family villa belongs to her so how can a little girl harm her?

laid herself down on the sofa with a leisurely air, waiting for the

arrived at

you call for us?” one

ban her from entering here in the future. Make sure she is not allowed on my premise anymore,

Xinghe and said professionally, “Miss,

have the absolute right to toss a person

do not welcome trouble makers. Miss, please quietly follow us out, don’t make this difficult for all

then help me throw this old hag out,” Xinghe ordered as she pointed her finger at Wu

so were

scolding Xinghe severely, “Miss, don’t make a scene here, it benefits no one, especially not yourself. Mrs. Xia is this villa’s official owner, she has the right to

do believe you have recovered your memory but you might want to get your head checked,”

believed Xinghe had

was hers, how dare the hussy want her

but where is the evidence? My dad gave me this villa, I have no idea since when it became this old hag’s. You want me to leave? Fine, but let me


this villa’s original owner was my father. This old

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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