Before the two men left, they asked kindly, “Ms. Xia, are you sure you don’t want us to report this to the police? It’s better to bring in law enforcement when it comes to this kind of thing.”

“I will personally go to the police station later, thank you so much for your help today. If there’s any way I can repay the two of you in the future, please don’t hesitate to come see me. I will not forget the kindness you’ve shown me today,” Xinghe said seriously.

The securities laughed sheepishly. “It’s nothing, but if Ms. Xia needs any help in the future, don’t hesitate to approach us as well.”

Xinghe nodded and remembered in her heart the favor she was offered that day.

Should the chance arise, she would definitely repay them the favor.

The two men left in a hurry and Xinghe waited at the hospital until Xia Zhi’s condition stabilized before she decided to return home.

After some deliberations, Xinghe resolved to come clean to Chengwu. She left out the part where Xia Zhi almost died, instead saying he was involved in a scuffle, suffered some minor abrasions, and had to stay at the hospital for observation.

Chengwu wanted to rush to the hospital to see his son but Xinghe stopped him.

Chengwu himself was still recovering so Xinghe didn’t want him to travel back and forth between their house and the hospital. Xinghe promised him she would take good care of Xia Zhi and that at least managed to give him some comfort.

attack Xia Zhi, he’s such a good boy. Why did those people

believed the party that hurt

was a good person who had no reason to be targeted. That left only one possibility, he was implicated because

were a lot of people out for her

one of them

going to smoke that person

feed for the spot Xia Zhi said he was attacked. It was

was more proof that

attack was done at that spot so she would

to the

she didn’t plan to. She would

relied on the police last time because Wu Rong’s crime was too big. She had to use the

legal intervention, she didn’t get to enjoy the thrills of

was taking matters

the security footage she needed but based on footage from other cameras, she managed to capture a picture of two large men in black

and Xia Zhi identified them as his attackers from the picture.

play for a computer

quickly, Xinghe received droves of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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