People were shocked!

It turned out that she hadn’t been giving it her all.

Even so, her result was already scarily good. They could only imagine what kind of spectacle it would be now…

Chui Ming’s eyelids twitched involuntarily, his expression rigid and pale.

Xia Xinghe, that bitch wasn’t threatened!

Chui Ming knew he had to stop her from competing but he was out of ideas!

He combed his brain and finally another plan surfaced in his mind. He quickly ordered his assistant, “You go…”

“It’s over!” CEO Wang suddenly jumped up in his seat and cheered. It gave Chui Ming quite a scare.

The words ‘it’s over’ chilled his heart.

quickly and in that moment, he

was frozen over with fear and


Chui Corps’ King

defense, it only took

to crush the supposedly invincible King

this couldn’t be true, this

couldn’t get it into his head that Xinghe had managed to take down the software that was the product of a dedicated team as well as unbeatable for years on the market


moment Chui Ming thought that,

point? The

took Xinghe 13 minutes to hack King Kong Internet Security

who the winner

beat all the hackers there. Her prowess was beyond

Xia Zhi pulled his sister

but he caught himself. Instead, he kept a respectable distance and cheered for Xinghe’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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