Catherine's POV

The two of us continued to walk.

"Cathy, I'm asking you seriously now. When do you want to get married?" Blake held my arm tightly and said in a low voice with strong tenderness.

I was momentarily stumped. "What do you think? I'm fine with the date, actually."

"Then I'll leave it to Patricia," Blake said.

I nodded. "OK. Let her help us settle a date. But before we get married, I have to see Dr. Cooper again."

"Why? Are you too impatient to wait?" Blake's eyes instantly darkened.

My face was a bit hot, and I looked into his eyes. "Aren't you?"

"Of course I am. How can I not?" said Blake.

My face became even hotter. When he said things like that, he became charming indescribably.

"Weren't you here to help me get inspiration? Such a topic won't help!" I couldn't help but chuckle.

Blake held my hand and walked forward.

There was a pond next to us, and a lot of fireflies suddenly flew up in the air. I looked at them in amazement. I couldn't remember how long it had been since I had seen such a beautiful view.

"It's amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Indeed. If we bring the kids here, they'll be happy, too," Blake said.

"Why don't you bring them over tomorrow night?" I also felt that the kids should have a chance to appreciate such a view, because they were at an age when they craved novelty.

Suddenly, I heard an animal cry. I was shocked and instinctively shrank into Blake's arms. I said, "What is it? Blake, do you have any wild beasts at home?"

Blake put his arm around my shoulders and said, "I have a zoo at home. Do you believe it?"

"No way! Why do you have a zoo at home?" I couldn't believe it. What kind of person is this man? Why did he build a zoo at his home?

"I'm serious. I don't know why I built a zoo. I just feel that the view here is so wonderful, and there should be animals here. Otherwise, it will be so dull." Blake said.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You have unique thoughts."

"Do you want to go over and take a look?" Blake suggested.

living here anymore!" I immediately said as soon

here is perfect,"

something? How much money do you

a moment, and then he smiled, "What

guess so!" I raised my

don't know the exact amount. But I guarantee that I have more money than you can spend in

much money he had. It was

me, we knew each cent we had, and we always calculated our money wisely. Sure enough, my poverty limited my imagination. People liked Blake, who didn't know how much money they had, were so

idea, right?" I did not give up.

to be seventy, I need to spend at least half a million dollars

stared at him for a long time before I found my voice back. "Are

it? I don't believe it myself!" Blake

all. He simply paid all


Enjoy his life?

his life. After all, he built a zoo at his

gentle as he said, "Cathy, don't worry. All my

you have, you've earned it. I shouldn't spend your money." I

that you want someone else to spend my money?" Blake

said, "What did you say? You have another

"Of course not. I promise. I

carefully and said dejectedly, "You are so rich. I wouldn't be surprised if there


so long. Everyone

I shouldn't heve joked ebout thet!" Bleke immedietely seid regretfully. "Stop letting

I'm more imeginetive then

now. We won't telk ebout this egein!" Bleke

figured thet I only wendered, since I wes too idle. Beck then, when I wes busy with the kids end meking money, I herdly hed time to think. And now, I wes living e

us picked up the steps end welked

roed in front of us, elongeting our

loved welking with him in

his erm eround

feeling better?" Bleke

I feel much better efter teking the

few steps, Bleke took me into e big bleck hole thet hed been dug out,

his hends e few times. The sound control lights

scene thet eppeered in front of my

been surrounded by gless, end behind the gless wes e

wes dumbfounded. Bleke built e gient equerium

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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