Third person's POV

"Eda, I know I have a bad temper, but I have been like this for years." Yvonne raised her head and looked at Howard, who was still standing on the roof. For the first time, she realized that she was such a loser and felt sad about herself.

Yvonne had come to her senses. Eda felt sorry for her. She wiped Yvonne's tears with a tissue. "Why don't you go sit in the living room and leave this to me? I'll deal with the things with Rowena as well. Just stay out of it, alright?"

Yvonne looked at Eda with a complicated expression. She wanted to say something, but she didn't.

"Let me handle it. Trust me!" Eda stopped Yvonne from saying anything more.

At last, Yvonne chose to trust Eda. Maybe it was because Yvonne saw the confident look on Eda's face, or maybe it was because Yvonne had realized that she was being bossy and selfish. She made a big mistake, which was almost at the cost of her son's life. She wanted to change.

Eda helped Yvonne to sit in the living room and quickly went upstairs.

Then, she winked at Howard. He instantly took a step back and complained, "What took you so long? I was so scared that I broke out in cold sweat!"

Eda could not help but laugh out loud. "Isn't that good? You're completely sober now, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am!" Howard nodded.

Eda then said with a serious tone, "Mom just mentioned Ash's name. She said that she heard it from you when you were drunk last night. Mom thought Ash was some girl you were involved with. Do you want to tell her the truth?"

"Yes! I'll tell her right now!" Howard had it all figured out when he was on the roof. Ash was his daughter. He didn't need to keep Yvonne in the dark!

Eda nodded. "OK. Get down and talk to her. I think the odds are in favor of you and Rowena."

Howard said sarcastically, "I knew this could work."

They went downstairs. Yvonne was sitting on the sofa in a daze. Though she dressed up, her make-up was ruined, making her seem somehow older.

"Howard... My son, are you alright?" Yvonne immediately rushed over as she saw him. She grabbed his hand and looked at him carefully.

had a poker face and said coldly, "Mom, are you OK with me going

at Eda, who quickly winked at

could only nod. "Yes.

Howard was no longer sad.

be your girlfriend for now." Yvonne wanted to stall.

as soon

hard. "They love each other. They should

Eda and Howard and did

to know who Ash is, don't you? I'll tell you now. Ash is my daughter, me and Rowena's little girl!" Howard

Yvonne was stunned and slumped on the sofa.

Eda quickly went over to comfort her. Eda said, "Mom, Ash

words befuddled them. Both Eda and

she had said the

her head to look at Howard, whose face was sullen.

don't you bring Ash back sometime so that I can meet her?" After being frightened by Howard, Yvonne began to care about others'

now. Maybe I'll bring her back after


would hold a grudge against her since she had slapped Rowena once before. Maybe Rowena would vent her anger on Howard, yet Howard was so madly

Catherine's POV

back to work and met a

It was Leo!

sat lazily in

him, I was a little surprised.

you!" Leo looked at the view outside the

a moment and replied, "I can manage. What can I do

is an urban theme movie. Your design will be perfect

me a lot before, and I haven't repaid you yet. Consider this as my

will get someone to reach you. I'm glad you

you here just because of this? You can just call me,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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