Catherine's POV

I was a little surprised when I received Blake's call. I had something to ask him as well, so, I went straight to his company.

For some reason, I felt panicked as I went up in the elevator. I had no clue why, but I knew something was wrong.

When I reached the door of Blake's office, two assistants greeted me politely, "Lycan Luna, are you here to see King Blake?"

Lycan Luna?

The address reassured me a little.

Everybody called me this when they saw me. I felt I was already Blake's wife.

I couldn't help but feel happy about it. I found that happiness came just in time, and I could relax and enjoy this perfect life of mine.

I knocked on the door. Blake answered, so I pushed the door open and walked toward him. He was sitting by his desk.

But when I was halfway there, I paused, and my eyes widened.

Because I saw two things on Blake's desk.

One of them was the necklace that I lost. The other one was from the royal treasury. The two necklaces were placed together.

picked up my necklace and

looked solemn.

trembled as I said, "Why do you have my lost necklace? Wasn't it stolen? Did

said coldly, "Yes. I took your necklace.

And you lied to me that it was stolen by a maid!

bad to be deceived, but it was even worse to be deceived by someone

was angry,

it? Because the Fox family would be sad at the sight of it. The necklace belonged to a little boy, who did not live long. The Fox family donated it because they didn't want to see it. It would remind them of the boy. You know what? The little boy also had a twin sister. The necklace in your hand belonged to the daughter of the Fox family,

my head because none of his

family? I had never heard of them or my

was that Blake said these with a

these have to do with me?

tried to smile, but tears came down from the corners of my eyes. I choked and said, "You told me that my parents had passed away. How come I am the daughter of

stranger to me.

expression was cold as


and sorrow

trying to look strong. I was mad and I blamed him, "Blake, I never thought that you were a liar. How could you curse my parents? Tell me. What else did you lie

deep pain was hidden behind

as he said, "What if I say yes? I pretended to be in love with you, but my real intention was to bond with the kids. I gave you a career and made you neglect the

Blake suddenly stopped talking.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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