My one in a million wife [Ashlyn and Lucas] chapter 266

It’s dark.

She fumbled her way to the door.

Turning the lock, she realized that the door was locked from the outside.

Fear and anxiety surged into her heart as she shouted, “Hello? Is there anyone around? Where is this? Why are you keeping me here?”

She smacked the door hard, but she received no responses.

After Jenny and her left the café, she was kidnapped by people in a van. She lost consciousness after that.

When she woke again, she was already in this foreign place. Am I kidnapped?

Hera fearfully curled into herself as she fell to the ground.

I’m just a poor, powerless, and unloved daughter from the Chapman family. Why did they kidnap me? What is their motive?

Right then, the lights in the room turned on.

Then, the metal door unlocked.

A man in black stepped into the room.

There was a pill in his hand, and it looked familiar.

It looks like… The aphrodisiac I bought from the black market!

a distance between the man and her, then shrieked, “What are you trying

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The man’s

was veiled, and Hera could not see his

want it!” Hera screamed as she ran

against the wall. Then, he pried open her

“No! It’ll-” Hera sobbed.

struggled and tried to spit

man took out a bottle of water and

she drank mouthfuls of the

the pill

man flung her off him and threw her onto the

the same way one would

In her struggle earlier, the water had spilled down the front of her shirt, and now it was sticking to

and streamed down her

me? Do you

as tears continued to roll down her

spoon. and she had never been treated in

too late for you.” The

her collar and heaved

dragged toward a


the night

unbeknownst to Hera, her body was starting to

to relieve some

her efforts were to no avail; the heat continued coming

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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