My one in a million wife [Ashlyn and Lucas] chapter 269

“I only eat the breakfast you make.” Lucas lowered his head to look into her eyes. “Yours is delicious.”

“I’m not in the mood to make breakfast after seeing trash right at the start of my day.” Ashlyn swung his hand away and walked toward the door.

Lucas hurried after her.

Hera gritted her teeth as she looked at them. She was about to rush after them when Louis stopped her.

With a stern look, he spoke, “Ms. Chapman, please don’t make things difficult for me in the future. Mr. Nolan has said that this place is off-limits to you.”

The woman had forced her way into the kitchen as if she were the lady of the house, and she had embarrassed him.

If he knew about Lucas’ thoughts, he would have chased her out the moment she stepped into the house.

Now that Lucas had clarified that there was only one Mrs. Nolan, he was not going to show any courtesy to Hera anymore.

Hera shot a frustrated glare at Louis. Old fool!

When I become Mrs. Nolan, you’ll be the first to go.

Rushing out of the house, Lucas spotted Ashlyn.

She was walking quick.

Looking at her slender figure, he thirsted for her.

It was as if he was a man on a hunt; his blood was boiling with eagerness in his veins.

every part

This chapter is provided by Visit for daily update.

Soon! Soon!

a few steps, he

wanted to do now was to leave the

devil, kept barging into her life

It upset her.

company for his

if I’ll

man’s hand

itself around her wrist

tried to

voice was sharp, as if

towering man.

low as

what are you trying to do?”

trying to do is you. Don’t

on the

Ashlyn hissed, raising her leg in preparation to kick

she came back to her senses, the man’s other hand

sent a tingling sensation up her

In the neighborhood.

face attracted the nearby women’s

of him, but they were stopped

body, looking

was silently looking at the doll-like woman in front

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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