My one in a million wife [Ashlyn and Lucas] chapter 307

“Suit yourself as long as you can succeed!” Lucas replied nonchalantly.

Since she has the audacity to pick on Ashlyn, I’m sure she’s aware of the potential consequences in store for her.

Before long, Penelope passed out due to the racking sensation she felt throughout the session.

Spencer stated, “Mr. Nolan, she has passed out.”

“I want you to resume once she regains consciousness! Keep it up until she learns her lesson!” Lucas instructed.

“Yes, Mr. Nolan!”

Finally, the trio of the Berry family had been chased out of the hospital.

Mary had a disheveled appearance as her hair was in a complete mess. She didn’t seem like the wife of a nobleman at all.

She threw a tantrum, complaining, “Horace, you’re such a coward! How could you leave our daughter alone when she needed you the most? Look at how they have beaten her to a pulp! Arghhhh! They’re ruining our beloved daughter’s face! It’s over for her! How is she supposed to get married in the future?”

“Can you please keep your mouth shut for a few minutes?” Horace, who felt a headache coming, yelled in return.

I’m not going to shut up!” Mary wailed

you don’t shut the f*** up, you’d better think of ways to get home on your own because I’ll chase you out of

Are you trying to cast me aside since I can’t be of use to you anymore? If I hadn’t gone into hiding and allowed the woman to take over my role as your wife back in the day, you wouldn’t have achieved this stage in your life either!” Mary lunged at Horace

“Shut up! I’ll throw you out of the car for

you’re not one of the beneficiaries over the years? Do you have any idea how much money you have spent over the years?

This chapter is provided by Visit for daily update.

a result, Mary bumped into the door of the car. She yelled, groaning due to the racking sensation she felt, “How dare you hit

rationality. Otherwise, he would never have engaged himself in such an intense

a foul mood, he couldn’t deal with his infuriated

her again, “If you try anything silly again, I’ll throw you out of the

most of my time alone with her in the tattered place you have rented for me until the woman passed on. It took you years before you reached out to us and brought us home. Look at you! Once you’re rich, you return the favor to us in such a

car halfway through their way home because his wife had distracted him since she wouldn’t stop

the car opposite the road immediately! We’ll take a

her husband’s warning, Mary finally stopped nagging her husband, but she couldn’t suppress her

down her face as she was engulfed by wrath. She was on

definitely get my revenge and avenge Penelope in the

the other hand, Lucas, who dropped by the hospital, finally figured out the sort

usual calm and collected self soon, stating, “To be honest,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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