Josiah paused and said, "Well, perhaps you have been neglecting your health for the past two months. I'll prescribe you some medicine for rejuvenation. Take them on time and don't overwork yourself."

I agreed, then leaned on the table weakly and said very distraughtly, "If I had known how hard it was to be a mom, I wouldn't have gotten pregnant!"

A faint chuckle came from the other end of the phone. "Stop making a mountain out of a molehill! I'll go with you on a business trip and look after you."

Stunned for a moment, I replied with some embarrassment, "Is this the only reason you're going with me, or..."

"Don't overthink it. I have things to do too."

I wonder...

was a good friend and also a

after that and sprawled wearily on the table, thinking that

divorce Hendrix and leave Ucrebury after settling the company's affairs, but things did not go

existence, I had already endured it for two years. How much worse could it be, particularly when I would be accompanied by a child? Compared to having my

a boiler, the more violently

were thunderstorms, and floods were to be expected. As such, to fulfill the company's corporate social responsibility, we had to let

never leave the thunderfearing Andrea alone, thus I decided not to go back to the villa.

stopped patronizing the bar. She began staying at home, learning to cook new dishes. With her in my life, being single was bearable. Sometimes, a person's spirit can be affected by comprehension. As I came to terms with the fact that Hendrix would no longer be seeing me, I started spacing out

medication from Josiah, who reminded me to take them on time. However, it would frequently slip

week went by. The sun's rays finally broke past the storm clouds, and

process for Roberts Group had already begun, and I busied myself with Advancer Tech's affairs. Monique told me she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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