Noticing my confusion, she retrieved her phone and opened up the headlines of Ucrebury's local news.

I carefully read through the news headlines and saw that the rumors had already begun ever since Sawyer took me out for dinner with his Maybach. The comments made were not pleasant at all; I was basically described as a filthy prostitute.

After reading through the posts, I could feel my head aching again. No wonder those managers gave me their weird looks...

Did that mean that Hendrix had changed the villa's lock because of this as well?

Recalling Sawyer answering the phone on my behalf, I could feel my frustration rising.

Why did everything have to happen in one shot?

My mobile phone buzzed, and Kelsey immediately left me to my own privacy.

I glanced at my phone and saw that it was Sawyer. I answered the call and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Did you see the headline?" He spoke casually.

in a bad

to come together?" He said nonchalantly

said, "I don't

the headline."

I don't know who else I could

had definitely stood

a moment of silence, Sawyer said, "I'll take care

I said. "Don't create any more

to Ucrebudy. If Hendrix had cut me out of his life because of this scandal, I wouldn't have the strength to endure a reenactment of the incident five years ago. When my life was at stake, everything else

put my phone aside and went straight into Hendrix's office. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the

the liveliness it once had. This time, it was

I stood

voice was still pleasant to the

later, I pushed open the door. My heartbeat had initially steadied down a little, but it began racing again as I got closer to Hendrix. Hendrix's office was

front of his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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