"No, not really," I shrugged, and I was ready to end the conversation. I took a step away from the pavilion, but Irvin stopped me.

"Since you didn't think remarrying is a problem, are you already preparing for a second marriage? If so, what do you think of me? I don't mind if you're divorced, or I would have a step-child."

My face fell at his words. Irvin was being frivolous. It was ridiculous of him to say such things.

I glared at him, "I appreciate your fondness, Mr. Granger. But, no, thanks!"

At this point, Irvin's behavior couldn't be summed up with only being unpredictable. He was erratic.

Passing him, I left the pavilion and lined the fountain to go back to the house.

I heard footsteps behind me, and they were getting closer. I scowled, and I couldn't help but feel that Irvin was stepping over the line.

I grew irritated at him by the second. When I noticed that he draped his arm on my shoulder, I turned around and didn't hesitate to push him away.

Caught by surprise, Irvin fell into the fountain.

the surrounding was only dimly lit by the street lights. All

see him. Thinking that he might have drowned, I

Irvin's name by the fountain, there was no

fountain shouldn't be too deep. But judging by the situation, he might have had leg cramps and drowned. I was panic-stricken, and tears fell down without control, "Help! Someone's drowning! Help..." Without any notice, Irvin emerged from the water.

him climbing up to the

calm face, finally realizing that

and I yelled

make such a lame joke with a pregnant

for a little more." It was very clear that he was doing it on purpose, just to scare me. I got so worked up



I had pushed Irvin into the

turned, I saw Hendrix's looming figure in the dark. There were incomprehensible feelings in his eyes. And it made me feel

turned to walk

was still struggling in the fountain - to me. In a light voice, he replied, "Yes." Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ

heard my cries of help, and they came out as well. Irvin had just climbed out of the fountain again, and he was soaked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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