"Baby, my baby..." I called, repeatedly. Then, I saw a very small silhouette in the bright light. He toddled towards me. Because he was too young, he was taking short unsteady steps.

I was so delighted to have finally seen him. Running to meet him, I held him in my arms and looked closely at him. He was really tiny. His face was red, possibly from how much effort he put in to come out of my belly.

I gazed at his little nose and little eyes. They looked so perfect on him. He even smiled at me. He looked exactly like an angel when he curled the corners of his tiny lips.

"Arianna," A deep voice echoed in my ears. "Arianna!"

I looked around to locate the source of the voice, but there was only emptiness around me. I could see nothing.

When I came back to my senses and wanted to see my baby again, he was already gone. I was alone amid the white fog, at a loss.

"Arianna!" The voice from earlier called again. I covered my ears, refusing to listen to it. I didn't want to be distracted again. I looked around for my child, just as I did before.

was like a curse. It

my lungs, "Baby! My baby-"

jolt in my heart. Gasping from the pain, I opened my eyes and saw

was surrounded by a group of doctors in white coats, all

"Finally! She woke up. The

on her for the next twenty-four hours, and

the ICU ward.

began to feel intense pain from all over my body, but especially in the abdomen area. It hurt as if I was tugging on the nerves even though I

to fast for six hours until the anesthesia is completely worn off. Before that, you can only drink water,"

rescue me from the warehouse. It could be Hendrix, or it

I couldn't speak, I only looked at him, and my tears rolled down from

baby again in the future." Hearing his words, my heart had broken into pieces. I felt like

to tremble and sob in endless agony. Irvin came to hold my hand, his face dark, and there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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