The food that the maid prepared was delicious, but I stopped eating after only taking a few bites. Irvin noticed that, and he was a little unsatisfied. Frowning, he pushed a dish right in front of me and said sternly, "Eat!"

I pursed my lips. I knew that he was doing it out of kindness, so I forced myself to eat a few more mouthfuls even though I couldn't eat anymore.

However, before I could swallow it, I felt nausea. I ran to the washroom and puked out everything, including the food that I had eaten before.

I bent over the sink, retching for quite some time. Irvin followed me into the washroom, and he questioned the maids who gathered in the living room, "What's in the food?"

They answered in a panic, "It's always like this for Miss Reid. She can only eat a little. If she ate a few bites more, she'll throw up. We've asked the home doctors to see if she's sick, but they said it isn't pathological. Miss Reid has to overcome this by herself."

Irvin didn't say anything else. Meanwhile, I

had finally stopped vomiting. Then, I washed up and straightened myself, looking into the mirror at myself. In just a month, I had changed beyond recognition.

My cheeks were sunken, my chin pointy, my eyes hollowed, and my brows seemed outjutting in comparison with the rest of my facial features. All the roundness I had when I was pregnant was long gone. Then, I looked downwards at my arms. I was so thin that I could see the bone underneath the skin... I was as thin as a rake.

I done?" Looking at the mirror, my eyes began to feel unbearably sore. Then, tears fell from my

of the teardrops hitting and bouncing off the sink was loud, echoing

quite a while, Irvin said in a deep voice, "You've only recovered. Everything will be better soon." He was standing by my side, and he seemed inexperienced in comforting others. I pursed my lips and raised my hand to wipe off the tears with my fingers. At this time, he handed me

to the dining room and resumed eating. Instead, I sat in the living room in a daze, still feeling the dull pain in my

walk later?" Irvin asked, emphasizing the word

late autumn sunshine was shining behind him, so he was somewhat translucent,

help but

Back in the bedroom.

It was considerably large and sophisticated. In

had never looked carefully, but the one I lived in

him out, but he had a good taste in fashion. The clothes in the closet

help you pick your outfit?" Leaning against the door, Irvin smiled at me, who was staring blankly at a

before we headed out. However,

a look at him and turned back to the rows of clothes in front of me. After some consideration, I finally chose a black short dress with golden hems.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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