Nevertheless, just having money was useless. If you had money, but not the knowledge of managing a company, problems will definitely arise later in the company.

This year, Aaron and Hendrix had discovered the profitable points of Fantasia Company. They were both experts in management. What they wanted was not to finance the company but to acquire the whole business.

I sat back in my seat half an hour later after I finished my presentation. One of the shareholders of Fantasia Company asked dubiously, "Director Reid, have you worked in the Roberts Group before?"

never featured in any of this city's headlines. Looking at the shareholder, I recollected myself. "Yeah, I used to be

at the news that I've just delivered. Sherman looked at me and said, "Director Reid, I'm pretty sure you know this better than we do. For this past year, Hendrix Roberts from the Roberts Group had the intention of acquiring our business as well. But for some reason, he gave up the intention to purchase our business. What I would like to know

acquisition, we all know that what you truly value are our technicians. I hope that we can be honest at this point." Sherman was straightforward with his words.

that is so, can I know why did you stop Roberts Group from acquiring our company? If we compare, Fantasia would have a much better future and development if acquired by Roberts

analysis, you'll realize that Roberts Group doesn't really want Fantasia that much actually. They only wanted the technology that Fantasia has, but these aren't hard to find on the

know that a tech company would not simply acquire another tech company if the company itself wasn't at a substantial stage. The Roberts Group's main profits are from property and they

his thoughts. He paused and said, "We don't know much about the situation of Granger Group. In terms of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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