Footsteps were heard from the bedroom, and suddenly, I could hear Hendrix's voice in my ears. He sounded a little angry when he asked, "Arianna, why are you crying?" I pursed my lips and didn't respond.

He pulled the blanket away, and the light was a little too glaring.

He said with a sullen face, "Are you planning to suffocate yourself to death?"

I didn't want to talk, so I glared at him and asked, "Hendrix, can't I be left alone to regulate my feelings? Have you asked about how I feel?"

He frowned. "Are you not feeling well?"

I wanted to strangle him. I looked at him and gritted my teeth. "Can't you tell?"

He pursed his lips and looked very unhappy. "I'll take you to the hospital!"

up a pillow and



and continued lying in bed. I couldn't fall asleep no matter how

over some food and whispered, "Arianna, please get up and have something to eat. Would you like

need!" I don't usually lose my temper for no reason, so my tone

Mr. Hendrix had just left. Before he did, he requested for you to eat something. If you don't feel well, apply some of the medicine and

"Arianna, he treats you well. I watched him grow since he was a child. Growing up with his grandfather, he never really learned how to take care of others and he only ever approaches things with a mind to solve problems. Ever since he was young, his grandfather had started grooming him to be his successor - just so you know that he isn't naturally cold as a person. But this past year, I can see that he cares about you a lot." She continued. "He had actually wanted to come

was tired, so I collected myself and said, "I know, Minnie. Go on ahead with your

needed to be said, so she nodded. "Okay, remember to eat

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The day was rainy and everything was cast a gloomy shade, just like my mood. Every inch of my body hurt.

didn't feel like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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