I noticed the dark circles under her eyes. She must not have been sleeping well. Now that she had said her request, it wouldn't make sense if I didn't agree to it.

After thinking for a while, I said, "Okay, but I have to talk to Hendrix first."

"That wouldn't be necessary!" Nerissa quickly said, "I'll talk to him about this. He's been too busy recently to take care of himself. I'm afraid he has no time to worry about you. Come to the Granger Mansion and take Minnie with you. He'll feel more at ease knowing someone's there to care for you."

I nodded slightly. Though what she said did make sense, but something still felt amiss, especially if one to think hard about this.

Noting my assent, she smiled and said, "Go pack and then come with me to the Granger Mansion. The snowfall isn't too bad today, and the roads in Jarold City have been cleaned up. If we wait a few days, I'm afraid the snow will get too heavy, and the roads will be blocked."

I was stunned. "Will we be going today?"

She nodded and said, "Well, it's more convenient to move today. I'll call Hendrix to tell him. The Granger Mansion has everything. You only need to pack the necessary. I'll ask the butler to buy you some clothing and shoes according to your preferred style."

It's only for a few days so I don't need much.

Minnie. "Minnie, you should go and pack up. Let's go together. Please help look out for Arianna and help

very close. If I need anything, I can just come back. Why do I have

between the two places, so you might as

the moment, so I didn't expect to find that she'd brought

road. Thus, it's a good safety measure to bring two cars in case anything

on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early

ask too much either. Since I already agreed, I can't

The Granger Mansion!

the already picturesque Granger Mansion look

of plum blossoms planted in the yard. White snow crystals

covered with snow and left a line of footprints that led all the way to the gate

in the hall. The originally glorious and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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