She spoke, "Yes! He's the young president of Brilliant Audit, Sawyer Clark. He's Valerie's son.

I immediately realized that she was referring to Sawyer. It had been more than half a year since I last saw him.

I couldn't help responding, "We haven't talked in a long time. I don't know what happened to him."

"Well, he had a man and a child with him. Is he gay? I noticed that the two of them seemed to be very close. The child was only two or three months old, so tiny and cute."

I was a little dazed, so I simply asked, "Could you take a picture for me?"

"What? Why do you suddenly want a picture?"

"Help me take pictures of them. Sorry to trouble you!"

I suspected that the man might be lan, and that child might be Monique's child.

phone with me after agreeing. I called lan, but there was


take a look for me?" Sawyer paused for a few seconds and answered, "I'm in Mesville. Is it serious? I'll ask someone in Ucrebury to check it

dressed in a brown coat with both hands in his pockets. He looked handsome and relaxed. Though the photo's resolution wasn't that great, the haggard look on his

to him, wearing a brown sweater and casual pants. The two of them were pushing a stroller in front of them. This was a rather

again. She picked up right away; she was probably looking

keep an eye on where they live,

their children to run around in. They

from contacting me. But she would have at least taken the initiative and called to

so long, yet there was still no call from her, nor did she ever come by to see me. Every time I called,

I'll follow them for now. Don't sweat it!" After our

feeling arose in the pit

done extremely quickly.

measurements. Do you need me to send a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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