I nodded.

"He died in a car accident, didn't he? How could he..." lan asked in confusion.

I nodded, "I saw him in Mesville. I still don't know what's going on, so I'm not sure what exactly happened to him."

I then got up and went into the room with Anne in my arms. It was feeding time.

Initially, I planned to take Anne to Flora Hill, but lan noticed me driving alone and was worried about me. He told me to pick Anne up with Hendrix next time instead. When I walked out of Bronzy Residence, I didn't have anything to do. It was still early, so I decided to go to the cemetery to visit my grandparents and Monique.

Although the traffic jam was a pain in the butt to sit through, I was fortunate enough to not have gotten stuck on the highway.

As the traffic had not moved in a long while, many drivers then got out of their cars to check what was going on.

The driver who had got out to see what had happened came back and said helplessly, "Why do young people drive so carelessly these days? The collision looks bad. There's even a pregnant woman in the car who's about to give birth. Things are critical right now."

"The man driving the Maybach is only in his twenties, but showed an outstanding temperament. He doesn't seem like a fool. Why would he drive so carelessly? I don't think we can leave just yet. Looks like we'll be stuck here for a while."

Another driver continued the conversation.

I couldn't help but look at the time. The cemetery was still a distance from where I was. It would probably be too late for me to go by the time the traffic starts moving again.

In the end, I got out of the car and went to take a look at the scene of the accident. I frowned when I saw a black Mayback sitting by the road, partially crushed from the collision. The license plate looked particularly familiar.

a buzzing sound shot through my

matter?" A taxi driver got out of his car when he saw me fall. He quickly

out to pinch my philtrum. When I felt

at the driver

he helped me up, "Do you have low blood sugar? Should I

and rested for a while, catching my restless breath. Then,

calmed down from shock, I started urging my legs to move forward step

it would take a while for the ambulance to arrive. More people began gathering around the accident

walked to the center of where everything

quick and precise. He looked to be protecting a woman standing by his side. His face was stone cold as he held a phone in

pregnant woman's blood. Some medical students were chasing away the people around the pregnant woman to give

fell on the pregnant woman's raised belly and the

lower abdomen began to throb. I subconsciously reached for my stomach and

phone, seemed to have noticed me.

had been standing behind him all this while, saw me as well and her face

you here?" He

brows as I looked

and noticed that my face was pale as I was in pain. He held me up horizontally and asked calmly,

us!" I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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