I shrugged. What else could I do but to get used to it?

Hendrix was in a hurry to go to a meeting. As soon as he got out of the elevator, Evan came over with a file. Hendrix looked at me and said, "Wait for me in the office. If you're sleepy, take a break. I will come and keep you company after the meeting."

I nodded as I watched him and Evan enter the office. The annual holidays were coming up, so things were getting busy.

"Director Reid!" Someone called out behind me. I was stunned for a moment. When I looked back, I saw an acquaintance, but I could not remember who that person was for a moment.

She said with a wide smile on her face, "Hello!"

She must have sensed my polite confusion, so she flashed me another smile and said, "Director Reid, I am Eugene, from the Roberts Group in Ucrebury. I was transferred here recently. I am from the finance department."

I then remember that I had spoken to her before when I was receiving the engineering contract from Richard.

I immediately laughed and sent a smile her way. "I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you straight away! It's been five years after all!"

a smile, "No worries, it's been a long time. Did you come here with Mr.

conference room and said, "He's in a meeting, so

this year's financial report to Mr. Roberts. Are you free after the meeting? Perhaps we could have a meal

few months now, but I still don't have any friends. Since we've known each other for years, I thought we could eat together and then perhaps, go shopping together." I nodded with a

surprise. "Really? Then let's make an appointment for next time. I'll go hand

her rushing towards the conference room with the report

out to greet Eugene

enter Hendrix's office, but I stopped in my

"Miss Reid!"

turned to the source of the

body, and was a definite

tilted her head down slightly to look at me. With a smile, she said, "Miss Reid, are you free? Would you like to

shook my head immediately, "I'm sorry. I don't have the habit of

raised brows. "Well, that can be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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