Tina turned around and found a bunch of the same mushrooms under the rotten leaves.

She handed the mushrooms to us and said, "These mushrooms can be eaten raw. We do it all the time in my hometown. Though it's not the most filling thing, it can at least relieve some of our hunger. Let's eat!"

As I watched them eat, I followed along, as I'd been hungry all day.

Naomi took a few bites and looked at Tina. "If we eat this, will we hallucinate? The news was saying that people in the southern region would take these hallucinogenic stuff every May or June of the year. I heard that people see all kinds of things when they're under hallucinogenic influence."

Tina laughed a little as she said, "If we don't mess around with it, there shouldn't be a problem." Rainie had found other kinds of mushrooms in the soil and asked, "Can these be eaten then?"

Tina nodded. "Yes, but these have to be cooked. If we eat them raw, we might get hallucinations."

"It's such a pity that we don't have lighters on us, or else we could've had a big Mother Nature's feast." Naomi sighed and stuffed some mushrooms into her mouth.

"Ah!" Dahlia shouted suddenly and we looked over at her, puzzled.

"What's wrong? Did you see God?" Naomi asked, a little annoyed.

turned white. Her body stiffened as she

a small, green- colored snake about 50 centimeters long curled around a green leaf on a tree next to her. We wouldn't even have noticed it if we weren't paying attention. The snake seemed ready

snake's a poisonous one. Be careful!"

eye, I scouted a

do, what do we do? I'm losing it! I'm getting goosebumps everywhere." Naomi stuck very close to me as she

I was

it?" Naomi began to scoot backwards

pit viper. It'll chase after


but her eyes were cold as she stared intently at the green snake

to the snake. If she wasn't


day and all night. God will protect you. Why are you scared?" Naomi said, bitingly sarcastic. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ

could afford to be distracted at

ready to dodge from it. I'll throw rocks at it and see if I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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