Everyone raised their glasses and started drinking. It was as if everyone felt comfortable chatting again, and the atmosphere instantly livened up.

As the crowd started talking at once, Naomi leaned closer to me and whispered, "What is your relationship with Sebastian? Are you really related to the Roberts, the Reids, and the Moores as well?"

I hadn't expected her to ask me this. I paused for a moment before saying, "Naomi, this is a tricky question, and I choose not to answer you!"

"What's the big deal? Are you worried that well take advantage of you if you tell us? You think we would try to claim some benefits from you?" Dahlia piped up, looking at me with a smile.

After a short pause, I replied, "I don't mean that. I just feel that it's not a good idea to tell you. We're close friends who have experienced life and death situations together. Why would I think you would take advantage of me?"

"That's not right. Only the four of us have experienced a close shave with death together. As for you, you've always depended on men or your relationships to pull through, and you haven't suffered much. It's easy for you to say sentimental stuff like that."

scathing, but

to say, so I forced a

If it wasn't for Arianna knowing Sebastian, do you really think that we would've survived so easily? Don't take

back in Myanway right away. Why did she have to wait until after Kaleb had done

Why did you go to Arianna's room in the middle of the night and show her the wound on your abdomen? If you did not ask for it, did

face was flushing red with anger at the moment. She knitted her

It's meaningless to quarrel

Then, Dahlia got up and said, "You guys go ahead

And she went upstairs.

changed the subject. "Arianna, are

Then I thought for a moment and said, "Yes, I want to go back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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