In the conference room, Linda was explaining how the projects will be carried out and what needed to be taken note of. After that, the Roberts team elaborated on the aspects that required our cooperation. As the person in charge of the whole project, I had to take into account all of the safety details, as well as possible issues that could arise during the construction of the project, including potential conflicts with the other party.

After finalizing all the proposal details, the contracts were signed and the date for project commencement was decided on. The person in charge from both companies was asked to be present, to supervise. After we signed the contracts and shook each other's hands. Linda came over and whispered, "Didn't you apply any ointment on your wound?"

I shook my head. "I'll need to buy some later. There's wasn't any ointment in the room."

"You are a girl. You need to protect yourself more. If it leaves a scar, it will be very difficult for you to get rid of it in the future."

I smiled and hugged the contract in my arms,

"Noted. Is the skirt I'm wearing yours? It looks familiar."

She frowned at it in confusion. "Wasn't this what you wore when you came back from Myanway?"

I was struck dumb. It was then that I saw Hendrix and Sebastian looking at me, observing my clothes.

this was different. At that time in Western Europe, Sebastian

not what I wore. Among the four of us,

that the dress belonged to Naomi. I studied Sebastian, curious as to why he

my eye, "It's noon. Let's

hide his embarrassment. Seemed like he and Naomi were making far more

faintly and said,

was a hidden meaning behind her

darkened at her words, his stare burning into me. I

the meeting room together. Linda was a little confused, leaning close and whispering into my ear.

Not mine." I hissed back. I felt a

said, "The two of them are really getting on well, but I'm asking about you and Hendrix. What's going on? Didn't Naomi say that you two are

it won't be for long. Once this project is settled, I will go to Ucrebury with him

speechless for a

A voice cried out suddenly. It

her ankle again. She limped to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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