After a pause, she looked at me, aiming to gossip and said, "I think Hendrix wants to prolong things with you, so he moved here. I kind of like the way he does things. I'm completely head over heels." Stunned speechless, I didn't reply.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Naomi got ready to leave. I walked her downstairs and saw Hendrix and Sebastian chatting.

Seeing Naomi ready to leave, Sebastian stood up and offered, "I'll give you a ride!"

"It's okay, I drove here!" Naomi looked a little unhappy.

I really didn't know what went down between the two of them.

Sebastian ignored Naomi's rejection and went out of the living room.

I made to follow, but Hendrix stopped me. "Why are you following?"

I frowned. "Of course, to send Naomi off!"

"Someone else will send her off!" After that, he stood in front of me, blocking my way with his slender body, and fixed his gaze on me.

All of a sudden, he asked, "Does your stomach still


said, "Thank you for what you did just now. I'm much

off as well, but he suddenly said, "It's nearing autumn, you should wear

from his grasp, but he held on

was looking at the place where I had burnt myself this afternoon, I pursed my lips and said,

from my bag, and ignoring my protests, applied it

with deep, dark eyes then said softly, "Does Sebastian

gaped like a fish, and

to get me out

sighed and nodded. "Yes, unless you were planning on staying

He sounded amused,

shrugged. "Up

ointment, he refused to leave. At a loss on what to

be back after taking Naomi home, so if Hendrix wanted

the villa. Looking at the time, it was over ten o'clock. I dried my hair, read a book then went to bed. Autumn rain came silently in August. It started to drizzle in the middle of the night, and a gust of cold wind blew into

to close

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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