I had almost forgotten that Yana grew up at the border. She had physical fitness and quick reflexes. She could protect herself just fine.

In the swimming pool, Eunice struggled in the water as she shouted for help. I walked to the side and spoke to Yana, "Are you okay?"

Yana nodded. "I'm fine!"

Eunice's call for help attracted the people in the living room. Seeing that Eunice had fallen into the pool, Aaron frowned slightly and jumped into the water to pull her up.

He set her down at the edge of the pool for first aid, but she had just ingested a few gulps of water from the swimming pool. It was not a big problem. Charles and Hendrix came out of the villa. Looking at everything that'd happened here, they asked, "What happened?"

at the servant beside her, "What's wrong with you? How could you not get me a

a blanket to wrap Eunice in, and Aaron carried Eunice into the villa and took her into his room. He ordered

not happy, his good upbringing made

bustling around, Eunice sniffled

care and anxiety for Eunice, she didn't seem to feel bad. She just looked at everything calmly and didn't even

be so indifferent

looked at Aaron and said, "Did I mess up your gathering? It's all my fault. I just wanted to say something to Miss Henry, but I didn't expect it would annoy her, and I didn't expect her to hate me so much that she'd push me into the pool. The water in the swimming pool

out a mouthful of blood. I used to think that Andrea was a b*tch, but now I realized that I was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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