I was stunned. I realized he had not been bullsh*tting all along.

After a few seconds of silence, I replied, "Alright then."

Through his reply, I could feel him smirking. "I thought you'd decline," he said. "I'll send you the address in a bit. Don't be late. I'd feel upset if you do."

After hanging up, I tried calling Hendrix once again. Fortunately, the call was connected. It was a bit noisy at his end like there were many vehicles around him. "Hendrix, has anything gone wrong at your end?"

"I'm stuck in a traffic jam," He said hurriedly. "No worries. I've spoken to Mr. Moore. He won't be heading to Asherton anytime soon. So, don't worry."

I heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Alright then. Fetch him to the hospital. I'll call my mom to let her know so that she would stop worrying."

hung up on Hendrix.

that Sebastian sent was just a stone's throw away from where I was. I did not drive over. Instead, I

the outside. Had the waiter not come over and greeted me, I would not have realized that I had

He put his coat on the tatami. When he saw me, he smiled and said, "Please, have a seat. Let's enjoy

to speak, he busied himself with brewing tea. Then he passed me a porcelain teacup and said, "Smell

smiling at me, I put the teacup on

business anytime soon. Agitated, I looked at him and

quality of life above everything else. Feel free to make a move if

especially since I had yet to obtain the

entire cup. At this moment, I could hear his disgruntled voice as he grumbled, "What a waste. You should have just taken a sip. What's the

looked at him and frowned slightly. "To each their own... I have my own ways of enjoying tea,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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