Soon after, the police and ambulance arrived.

"Police, out of the way! We do not want people causing any disruption!"

The police cleared the scene, then went forward and pulled Hendrix, who was in a daze, away. "Please cooperate with us and leave immediately." Hendrix stood up expressionlessly and walked towards me.

Behind him, the police checked if Trent was breathing and reported to his colleagues, "He's not breathing and has entered a state of apparent death."

We went to the police station to make our statement. At three in the afternoon, we received news that Trent's heart had stopped beating.

The Roberts had no other relatives, so Hendrix and I handled everything. When we were finally done, it was already late at night while it was daytime in Mesville.

As soon as we stepped out of the police station, Hendrix's phone rang.

No sound came from the other side of the phone, which made Hendrix's face fall. "Why did you do


immediately knew who it

the only one who would call and

low and heavy, with an aura that resembled death. The

him. To Hendrix, the Roberts were far more worthy of his protection than Johannes, who was merely biologically related to him. "Johannes, that was

my hand to let him know that I was there for

into the phone. Before Johannes could finish, Hendrix had tossed his

Trent was the person

Roberts Group in Ucrebury and had social influence, the police were quick to investigate the case. By the next day, the case already

regarded the car


they did have many friends and acquaintances in Ucrebury Dalton had also done a lot of favors for many

after entertaining those who came by to give their final respect,

head, Hendrix asked in


police- itindeed appears to be an accident. The driver of the oncoming car suddenly lost control of it, and Mr. Trent and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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