For the sake of one's lifetime grudge, they had been at war for such a long time. One was the hunter, and the other was the prey. They were both extremely clever beings. But Sebastian made mistakes, and they became natural enemies.

The goal of taking back what he had lost and recovering his dignity by defeating Hendrix had become Sebastian's burning life obsession.

He would not miss any chance to take revenge on Hendrix. Therefore, Sebastian would definitely come.

And I understood Hendrix all too well. He had given Sebastian this chance on purpose. Perhaps he planned to put an end to the bad blood between Sebastian and himself, but it may also be because this was an opportunity to create panic on the island. While everyone ran around frantically and with security thrown off our trail, we would have the chance to find the antidote.

Whether or not the plan would succeed, it all depended on the timing of it all.

Hendrix and I found a table and sat down, waiting nervously for Sebastian to show up.

Moments later, Sebastian finally appeared. The light from the moon cascaded down on him as he walked towards us.

The golf course was very close to the pier. Sebastian had arrived on a yacht and had people following him.

to Hendrix's right, separated by

the resting area of the court, double the number of bodyguards

must have kept you waiting for a long time,

get straight to it." Hendrix's patience had reached

in the distant night. To be exact, the two men were holding a woman between them, who


face gradually came into view. "Aunt

My guess was confirmed. It was


calm as he asked, "Nerissa has married Jarred, and

say that I'm impressed that you're still able

turned icy cold. He narrowed his eyes and raised his chin, pointing it at the bodyguards beside

the bodyguard

she fell to the ground with the child in her arms. At the same time, the bodyguard aimed his gun at the back of her head. Nerissa was

frightened and started

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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