Chapter 2011

Hendrix's eyes burned like a torch as he watched Jordan leave. Once Jordan had disappeared from view, his eyes calmed down. He seemed lost in his thoughts. A person's eyes were the windows to their soul.

Maybe Hendrix had to pretend to have amnesia like me for some unknown reason. But his acting was so bad, he kept giving himself away multiple times.

I really wanted to tear off his disguise to see what secrets he had hidden under his mask.

"Hendrix," I called out.

He turned to look at me just as he furrowed his thick eyebrows. He had a puzzled expression on his face.

"Are you doubtful about everything Aaron and I have said? If you look at how they've been treating you, from refusing your resignation to showing you so much kindness, perhaps the Marshall family holds grea importance for you, so they can't bear to let you leave," I looked into his eyes and asked seriously, "Maybe I'm the wedge in this relationship that's in between you and your family. Don't you think so?" Hendrix cast his eyes downwards and thought for a while before answering me. "All relationships are built on the condition of mutual interests. Closeness or alienation is nothing more than the gain and loss of said interests. I don't have the time to see who among us is really evil. I just do what I want to and seek the truth."

That was a very realistic approach to things, but his attitude was unusually cold. He then stood up and went upstairs.

Just as his foot touched the steps, he suddenly stopped himself. "How do you know whether I'm unhappy for just being the son-in-law of the Reid Family?"

After saying that, he disappeared at the end of the stairs without looking back even once.

I stared blankly into space for some time, to the point that I didn't even realize Wynn had taken Aurelia away from my arms. It took me quite a while to come back to my senses. Hendrix hadn't lost his memory at all!

been pretending to be vulnerable and confused these past few days so that we would bully

he was still as self-righteous as he

it fun

rushed over to the study with


things now, I will be sleepless for the entire night. In this case, we might as well talk it out

the guest rooms to the storage room. Hendrix was nowhere to be seen. Finally, I

see the entire room from outside. The room

a loud thud as the doors closed behind

turned around and nearly bumped into

appeared out of nowhere. We were less than half a meter away from each other.df we had gotten any closer, we would be able to hear each other's heartbeats.

and pushed him away. "Please be mindful of who

Hendrix staggered forward before



eyes looked strangely

It was re

to tell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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