I did not give it much thought and agreed right away.

Freya's ride arrived as soon as I finished getting ready. When I was at the door, Hendrix had just returned home. I asked why he came back so early, but I did not wait for his response and hurriedly hopped in Freya's car under his resentful gaze.

"That was Hendrix, wasn't it? Why didn't you tell him to tag along?" Freya glanced sideways at the villa.

"It's not necessary for men to be involved in women's affairs. Besides, he's busy. If he's not at work, how can I have the money to squander away?"

Freya nodded in agreement. "True."

Hendrix thought, "I didn't even know I was busy?"

The "Cultural City" project, as its name implied, was based on audiovisual projects by the Roberts Group. It showcased the modernization of western culture by current generations.

They blocked all modern transportations to fit the theme of the traditional city. There, we could already see people in traditional costumes and there were tourists everywhere.

The culture festival had not officially begun, but the merchants in the city had already set up their booths and basic facilities, enough to meet guests' demands.

Even the security guards were dressed in traditional costumes, making me and Freya stand

waving at me from the top of the city wall. Next to her was Josiah in an

turned around, I wouldn't even have noticed that the group of girls at the entrance were looking

surprising sight. Josiah's facial features were charming. His

females found enchanting.

stunning fireworks from a bird's eye view.

explained the whole process to us, "All preparations are already in place. Mr. Garland helped me out a lot. On the opening day of the ceremony, a total of 99 pairs of newlyweds around the globe will have their weddings in western costumes for the cultural campaign. Also, there

saw the same spirit in her as one I had seen in Monique

on her shoulder as I looked at the

a sudden, a

I said let her

"Neal! Neal, save me!"

expected, Aurelia and Neal were getting dragged out by security. I had no idea where the two cheeky kids got themselves western costumes. "Miss

little kids struggled like lobsters held by their necks in the hands of

He must have lost his wallet

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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