It was clean and straightforward. She didn't even give me a chance to get a good laugh out of it.

I got my phone out and sent her my current location. In the meantime, I whined at Anne, "I'm not that great in business, but you don't have to keep your guard up with your Aunt Frey. She has a sharp tongue, but has a really soft heart. Although she hasn't said anything, she's probably already planned out everything for you. She won't be a bother. If you have anything to say, just bring it up right away. Just forget Dad and I are even here."

"Yeah, I know," Anne nodded with a wide smile on her face. "I'm not keeping myself away from other people. I was going to see her even if she didn't plan to see me. Mommy, I want both Mr. Hayes and Aunt Freya to join in with the club."

She was actually expressing her decision, not asking for my opinion.

I felt flustered for a moment.

I shut off my phone and dropped it into my bag. I then turned to Anne. "Do as you wish. I will support you either way. Even if I can't be much help to you, remember that you still have daddy on your side!" Haha..."

They would only learn later that day that Hendrix had sneezed three times in a row with a gloomy look on his face. His employees were so scared to see him that they didn't even dare to breathe around him. If the staff knew why he was like this, they would probably be cursing at me behind my back. They were already standing on pins and needles just working in front of Hendrix. They would have to live through these sudden "surprises" every now and then.

Freya was here to spend her money, especially after she had misunderstood us. If Anne and I stood in front of something for more than ten seconds, she would inform the staff and charge it directly to her card. Buying things for us was probably making her feel less guilty.

shopping mall, we found a restaurant nearby to eat

from France. Their recommended desserts are very delicious. Don't forget to bring some home for Aurelia." Freya then ordered two dishes


but when I

I nudged her with

looked at me. Still in a daze, she said, "I thought I saw Quinn

was focused on earlier, but didn't see anyone suspicious. "Perhaps I was mistaken. Jarold City is a very

you guys talking about?" Freya asked, somewhat

men out to steal our

said confidently, "The only person who would dare to steal my business is Tobias. God knows where he

answered casually. I was completely focused on the menu as

my business from me? Not in their wildest dreams." Freya knocked on the table and looked at Anne. "Hey Anne, do you really intend to

better Aunt Freya, maybe we can

wasn't expecting a reply like that from Anne. She thought that Anne was joking until she saw how serious she looked. She was in awe and then asked, "You're not kidding are you? You're actually going

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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