The assistant smiled obsequiously at what I had said. "Mrs. Roberts, of course, I didn't mean you. You're so nice to us. You wouldn't make things difficult for us. I'm talking about the other Mrs. Roberts." "Are you saying that woman looked like me?"

Perhaps it had been Naomi. She must have tricked them by dressing up her face to look like me. It wasn't surprising for people to not recognize others as well as their loved ones after all.

"Of course not, she's nothing like you. She looked like one of those influencers..." Realizing that she had said something wrong, she quickly corrected herself. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to criticize Mr. Roberts' taste."

I realized that this woman would always babble about for a long time and would never get straight to the point. It was no wonder that she was still a junior assistant even after moving from the Cultural City to this club. Listening to her speak caused others to feel anxious.

Luckily, Anne knew how to control the conversation and asked about the most important thing, "Where's the wine?" "In the basement cellar," The assistant answered calmly then turned sideways to lead us to the basement.

Anne was about to walk ahead when sirens blared from behind them.

We turned around and saw a police car with it's red and blue lights turned on. The car stopped at the entrance of the club. Several uniformed policemen got out of the car and headed towards our direction. The head officer showed us his badge along with a search warrant in his hand. "Your club is under suspicion of illegal smuggling. We have to search the place in accordance to the law. May I know who is in charge of this place?"

I stepped forward and stood in front of Anne. "I am."

At this moment, I recalled how helpless Monique was before. I couldn't believe that after so many years, it would happen to Anne as well.

These dirty tricks were definitely Lucas' idea. It must have been him in the car earlier.

After so many years, Anne was now a grown-up. Yet, he hadn't improved at all and only knew to frame others. He could've gotten more creative at least.

The wines stored in the club were of very high value and there were a lot of them. The total amount of money involved was significantly high. Compared to when Monique was framed for using drugs, this was much more serious. As the actual owner of the club, Anne was very likely going to be arrested.

police officer looked at me and said coldly, "Please cooperate and

hitting the brakes from outside. Several reporters and media

get out of control, so they stopped them immediately. Even so, the entrance of the club was soon

have to say about

young age. Is it because she's been raised abroad for

Moanną, did


of worshiping money?can


you tell us how long the daughter of the

once the


waved the cameras and microphones in their hands, trying to judge my daughter's life, condemning her, and even regarded themselves as judge and

I shouted, "How much do you people even know about my daughter? What right do you have to judge

most of them looked surprised. A few of them weren't afraid of us and simply aimed

man in the world was shouting and scolding people on the street. What a great news bit to broadcast. I even came up with a title for them, 'The unknown side of the

only was I not afraid of being filmed, but I looked

don't care which

family has actually broken the law But if I see any of these pictures or videos today of my family being spread out or appearing in any news channel, I guarantee you that I will sue you until you are

smart reporters covered up their cameras.

camera and smiled contemptuously. Then, the woman hiding behind the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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